Aside from artists, gamers and content creators, freelancers are also reaping the rewards of joining the Web3 revolution. Impressively, 86% of freelancers said that they have profited from selling some sort of NFT and metaverse services. So in a short period of time, this segment proved that the technology goes beyond collecting and can even change the job landscape.

Why Freelancers Love the Web3 Space
Fiverr partnered with Censuwide to survey over 1,000 U.S.-based freelancers and get their insights on how they are taking advantage of the rise of NFT and other Web3 applications. Let’s break down the 86% who said they are already enjoying the monetary benefits of rendering Web3 services. 64% of freelancers surveyed claim to have already profited from the sale of NFT-related services. Meanwhile, 48% have profited from the sale of Metaverse-related services.
It looks like we’ll see continuous growth in this segment because 83% of the respondents said that they plan to adapt their current offerings based on the growth they’ve seen in the space. In addition, the segment also thinks that focusing on NFT and Metaverse-related services has massive earning potential. 54% said they could see themselves earning an additional $2,600 to $5,200 per month by monetizing their Web3 skills.
Despite the overall bullish sentiments of freelancers about Web3 related services, the segment is well-informed about some of Web3’s challenges. For example, 54% are concerned about privacy and cyber threats, while 9% are concerned about regulation or lack-there-of. Another 28% are fearful of the lack of in-person connection that comes with Web3. Then, 37% believe there is a lack of knowledge and insight around this space.
About the Demographics
Let’s find out more about the profile of the freelancers driving the growth of Web3 related services.
According to the survey, males are more confident about the higher-earning potential. 40% said they could earn an estimated $2,600 to $3,900 more a month through NFT and Metaverse-related services. In contrast, only 28% of female freelancers feel they can add that much to their monthly income.
Despite the higher confidence of males, women are out-earning men when it comes to the Metaverse services. 61% of female freelancers claim to have earned from the sale of Metaverse-related services compared to only 45% of male freelancers.

Obviously, the younger age bracket is leading the charge. However, not by a big margin. 70% of respondents ages 45-54 claim to have profited from the Metaverse, while only 39% of the respondents ages 25-34 have. On the flip side, 70% of respondents ages 25-34 have profited from NFTs versus 52% of respondents ages 45-54.
What’s the key takeaway from this survey? NFTs, especially the blue-chip collectibles, come with a hefty price tag. For example, you’d need a minimum of 11 ETH or almost $30,000 to purchase a Doodles NFT. So if you want to get involved in the space without breaking the bank, you can consider beefing up your skillset with Web3 related services.
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