1DLT is foundational for Web 3.0
LONDON, UK, May 11, 2022 /EINPresswire.com/ — QPQ’s 1DLT enables development teams to set-up their infrastructure on demand and in minutes. Network, nodes, consensus provider and redundancy needs can all just be selected from a menu and are then available within minutes so that development teams can deploy their smart contracts.
1DLT helps Dev Teams build an EVM-based smart contract and connect seamlessly to multiple blockchains and DLTs with real interoperability. From a single point the Dev Team has multiple connections. 1DLT will add other chains as they gain popularity; “Only one step to anywhere”.
The offering is scalable, with TPS of 20k+, very fast, with settlement finality in under 10 seconds, which is 120 times faster than Ethereum and all with transaction costs of a handful of cents rather than a fist full of dollars. Clients can choose from a number of public consensus providers.
1DLT is building the network, so your Dev Teams don’t have to; the 1DLT solution uses the power of real interoperability to combine the speed of super-fast routes to consensus with the Ethereum smart contract.
Uniquely, 1DLT enables Web3.0 apps to run on a private or public network supported with all the trust and transparency of consensus on the established ecosystems of the public network. Each individual transaction goes through the consensus process; there is a full audit trail to enable tracking of each and every transaction. No batching, no centralisation.
The first drop, an alpha version, of the product is available now. It is easy to try out and get familiar with, and right now, it is free. More detail is available at https://qpq.io/1dlt. The next stage in the development is a Beta version scheduled for July 2022.
For more information, you can contact QPQ directly: Mark Toberman, mtoberman@qpq.io, +44 7912 022 360, or Andy Lennon, alennon@qpq.io, +1 704 502 4421
Press relations: The Realization Group, Helen Disney, helen.disney@therealizationgroup.com, +44 7792 376546
About QPQ:
QPQ is a deep tech platform supporting the custody and transfer of digital assets. Our goal is to transform the global economy by creating a new type of distributed infrastructure that levels the playing field and invites competition based on capacity to add value, not control of transactional infrastructure. For more information visit: https://qpq.io
Helen Disney
The Realization Group
email us here