Alternatively, each module can be installed independently as shown below.
c:python27python.exe -m pip install requests
- Install for Ubuntu/Debian:
sudo apt-get install python-requests
- Install for Centos/Redhat:
sudo yum install python-requests
- Install using pip on Linux:
sudo pip install requests
dnspython Module
c:python27python.exe -m pip install dnspython
- Install for Ubuntu/Debian:
sudo apt-get install python-dnspython
sudo pip install dnspython
argparse Module
- Install for Ubuntu/Debian:
sudo apt-get install python-argparse
- Install for Centos/Redhat:
sudo yum install python-argparse
sudo pip install argparse
For coloring in windows install the following libraries:
c:python27python.exe -m pip install win_unicode_console colorama
-d --domain Domain name to enumerate subdomains of -b --bruteforce Enable the subbrute bruteforce module -p --ports Scan the found subdomains against specific tcp ports -v --verbose Enable the verbose mode and display results in realtime -t --threads Number of threads to use for subbrute bruteforce -e --engines Specify a comma-separated list of search engines -o --output Save the results to text file -h --help show the help message and exit
- To list all the basic options and switches use -h switch:
python -h
- To enumerate subdomains of specific domain:
python -d
- To enumerate subdomains of specific domain and show only subdomains which have open ports 80 and 443 :
python -d -p 80,443
- To enumerate subdomains of specific domain and show the results in realtime:
python -v -d
- To enumerate subdomains and enable the bruteforce module:
python -b -d
- To enumerate subdomains and use specific engines such Google, Yahoo and Virustotal engines
python -e google,yahoo,virustotal -d
Using Sublist3r as a module in your python scripts
import sublist3r subdomains = sublist3r.main(domain, no_threads, savefile, ports, silent, verbose, enable_bruteforce, engines)
The main function will return a set of unique subdomains found by Sublist3r
Function Usage:
- domain: The domain you want to enumerate subdomains of.
- savefile: save the output into text file.
- ports: specify a comma-sperated list of the tcp ports to scan.
- silent: set sublist3r to work in silent mode during the execution (helpful when you don’t need a lot of noise).
- verbose: display the found subdomains in real time.
- enable_bruteforce: enable the bruteforce module.
- engines: (Optional) to choose specific engines.
Example to enumerate subdomains of
import sublist3r subdomains = sublist3r.main('', 40, 'yahoo_subdomains.txt', ports= None, silent=False, verbose= False, enable_bruteforce= False, engines=None)